Covering installation guide

Discover the gratification of DIY and the satisfaction of realizing a good job with your hands. Here you can find the step-by-step guide to install your self adhesive conformable covering on walls. Six simple operations to do with care and the tips to avoid the unexpected… or to solve it!

self-adhesive covering wood texture interior home Ambientha AZ07
before diy self-adhesive covering Ambientha
Don’t be unprepared: organize your material before starting, read the instructions below or download the installation guide, you can print it out to keep it with you during the DIY!


The tools

  • Ruler
  • Primer
  • Bucket
  • Roller or brush
    (medium or small to avoid splashing on the wall)
  • Cutter
  • Plastic spatula
  • Heat gun/hair dryer if
    necessary (remember, only if the product is thermoformable)
  • Soft cloth


The cleaning

Clean the wall with cloth

Check that the surface is smooth, without holes or debris, to safely apply the self adhesive covering

The extra tip
If you run into some flaws, like holes in the wall, you can comfortably use a plasterboard compound. Apply it with a spatula, wait for it to dry and sand the excess. The last step: use a viscous cloth on the wall to remove the sanding powder.


The surface

Mix the primer so as not to have lumps

Use your roller or brush to spread the primer on the wall evenly

The extra tip
Try not to overload the primer roller to avoid drops and pay special attention to the edges of the wall.


The installation

Gently peel off the protective release paper from the covering (you can wait to remove it completely before applying to handle the covering more easily)

Install the covering on the wall using the spatula, with a continuous movement from the center of the decoration outwards, to avoid bubbles formation

The extra tip
If small bubbles form no fear: gently pierce the covering with a needle and then heat it slightly with hair dryer or the heat gun to flatten the decoration.
Nb: Check your covering is thermoformable in the technical specifications of its product detail page.


The finishing

Trim the abundances with the cutter placing the ruler on the covering to cut accurately


You are ready!

Gently clean your wall and here you are at the end!
Your decoration is ready to be experienced.