Fibreglass Application Guide
+ Wet System

How to apply the fibreglass? Discover the detailed guide for decorating the walls of wet environments: all the steps to install the wallpaper and proceed with the complete cycle of the waterproofing treatment.

fibreglass wallpaper installation
fibreglass wallpaper installation
fibreglass wallpaper installation
fibreglass wallpaper installation
Don’t be caught unprepared, before starting check the condition of your wall and organise the material. Read the instructions below or if you prefer download the guide to print it!


Before starting

The evaluation of the wall

For optimal installation, the wall must have a smooth background, smoothed with plaster or painted on a smooth plastered wall. Furthermore, it is necessary to check the verticality: any irregularities do not allow the perfect vertical fall of the wallpaper sheets during installation and complicate the juxtaposition of the joints.


Organise the tools

For each step you need specific tools

• Ruler
• Cutter
• Level or plumb line
• Bucket
• Rigid spatula
• Soft spatula
• Roller or brush (if with medium / short hair, avoid splashing on the wall)
• Closed cell sponge roller
• Soft cloth
• Primer for fibreglass
• Glue for fibreglass wallpaper
• Cartridge gun

The extra tip
Fibreglass decoration projects require particular attention given the moisture resistance requirements. For this reason we recommend to order, together with the wallpaper, the products to perform the Wet System treatment. Inside the package you will find:

• Primer+ Plus
Adhesive Special MS
• Protective waterproofing PU COAT
Sealant Special MS TIXO


Prepare the wall for laying

The surface must be clean, defect-free and white in colour

Clean the wall with the soft cloth.

Apply the primer + Plus with the roller and wait 2-3 hours at 20-23 ° C. for complete drying.

The extra tip
In the case of particularly large surfaces, it is advisable to proceed to point 4 the next day, in order to make sure that the substrate is perfectly dry.


Apply the wallpaper

It is time for the plumb line, the glue and the application of the sheets

Start on the left corner of the wall and take the measurement of the first sheet. Draw a vertical pencil mark at its right end, without considering the bleed on the left, so as to have the precise size of the first sheet.

Use lead wire to draw other vertical marks on this same size, they will serve as a guide to apply the first perfectly perpendicular sheet.

Now prepare the Special MS glue and spread it on the portion of the wall that affects the second sheet using a rigid spatula.

First laying the second sheet, the marks shown on the wall indicate where to start. Unroll the wallpaper from top to floor leaving bleeds on both sides (floor and ceiling). Use the soft spatula with a smooth movement from top to bottom and from the inside of the cloth outwards.

After applying the first sheet, trim the bleeds to the floor and ceiling and gently clean the glue residues by dabing with the sponge soaked in water. DO NOT rub.

Continue with the application of all the sheets, starting on the left from the first, which brings the bleeds back to the left corner. Refine the surplus sheet to sheet in a timely manner. Remember that the last sheet will also have the bleeds on the right side.

Wait 24 hours for the adhesive to dry completely.


Apply the protective waterproofing

Once prepared, the product must be used within 90 minutes

Prepare the two-component protective PU COAT by carefully mixing the two components A + B until completely homogenised, according to the following ratio:
1 Kg. Comp. A – 200 gr. Comp. B
5 kg. Comp. A – 1 Kg. Comp. B

 Once PU COAT A + B has been mixed, apply the product directly on the wall covering with a closed cell sponge roller in single or double pass.

Wait at least 4 hours and/or completely dry between the first and second coat. The second coat will dry in 3-4 hours at 20-23 ° C.

The extra tip
The optimal environmental conditions for installation:

  • Environment and substrate temperature: min. + 10 ° C – max. + 30 ° C.
  • Relative air humidity: max. 75%.

Ensure that there is an effective air exchange on site to avoid an accumulation of humidity in the environment, which could lead to hardening problems in particularly confined environments.


Apply the sealant

Last step for an optimal and resistant result

Seal the wall in the wallpaper joints with Special MS TIXO so that the glue wets every point of the contact surface. Use the cartridge gun to be accurate. The consumption is about 15 linear metres per cartridge.

Here you are at the end of the wallpaper application guide. All you have to do is let the decoration rest to dry completely and experience your new charming atmosphere.